
Who am I?

Hi! I'm Catherine and welcome to my blog! Read "The Pre-Via Alpina" blog to get some insight into how my love of travel, especially into the Alps, began. Recently my family discovered that my great-great grandparents were, in fact, Swiss! They met on the boat coming to Australia. To me, that made perfect sense, as I have always wondered why I am so attracted to the mountains: it's in my genes (or in my blood, as they say!). I'm a Medical Laboratory Scientist and manage a laboratory in a large hospital in Melbourne, Australia. I was on a working holiday and living in London when I met the man I was destined to marry. Of course, I took him to Switzerland first and he loved joining me on various hikes, so I had no doubts that he was the one!

We have 3 very well-travelled kids who are now old enough to do their own thing and see parts of the world we haven't yet visited. We have been fortunate to have seen many beautiful parts of the planet, and there's so many more places we wish to see before our time runs out. I hope to inspire you to do the same!